Strength is low, elasticity is large, easy to age, creep is large, and self-cleaning property is poor.(強(qiang)度低(di)、彈性大、易老(lao)化、徐變大、自(zi)潔(jie)性差(cha)。)
The price is cheap, it is easy to process and manufacture, the color is rich, and the folding resistance is good.(便(bian)宜,容易加(jia)工制作,色彩豐富,抗折疊性能好。)
改(gai)進措施及(ji)壽命(ming):在表面涂一層聚四(si)氟乙烯涂層,可提(ti)高抗老化和自(zi)潔(jie)能力,其壽命(ming)可達到 15 年左右。The surface can be coated with a layer of polytetrafluoroethylene coating to improve its anti-aging and self-cleaning ability, and its service life can reach about 15 years.
High strength, large elastic modulus, self-cleaning, durable and fire-resistant.(強度高(gao)、彈性模量大、自潔、耐久耐火等性能好。)
缺點及適(shi)用(yong)范圍:較貴,不(bu)易(yi)折疊(die),對膜結構車棚裁剪(jian)制(zhi)作精(jing)度要求較高(gao),壽命一般在 30 年(nian)以上,適(shi)用(yong)于建筑。It is expensive, not easy to fold, and has high requirements for the cutting and manufacturing accuracy of membrane structure carports. The service life is generally more than 30 years and is suitable for permanent buildings.
三、PVDF 建筑膜材料(liao)(liao)(聚酯纖(xian)維編織基布涂(tu)上 PVC 底層再涂(tu) PVDF 樹脂形成的復合材料(liao)(liao))
使用情況:該膜(mo)結構(gou)車棚(peng)膜(mo)材在我國現有(you)的膜(mo)結構(gou)建筑(zhu)(zhu)上已(yi)廣泛使用,目(mu)前的發展趨(qu)勢是(shi)逐漸被 PTFE 建筑(zhu)(zhu)膜(mo)材所取代。This membrane structure carport membrane material has been widely used in existing membrane structure buildings in my country. The current development trend is to be gradually replaced by PTFE building membrane materials.
與 PTFE 對(dui)比:強度(du)及防火性(xing)與 PTFE 相比具有一定差(cha)距(ju),PVC 膜(mo)材料(liao)的使用年限一般(ban)在 10 到 20 年。自(zi)潔性(xing)和耐久性(xing)均不如 PTFE 建筑膜(mo)材。Compared with PTFE, there is a certain gap in strength and fire resistance. The service life of PVC membrane materials is generally 10 to 20 years. The self-cleaning property and durability are not as good as PTFE building membrane materials.
四、PTFE 膜材料
織物基材(cai)及要求:The fabric base material is glass fiber. The diameter range of the fiber should be within 3.30~4.05μm, and the weight should be greater than 150g/m.(織物基材(cai)為(wei)玻(bo)璃纖(xian)維,纖(xian)維的直徑(jing)范圍應在 3.30~4.05μm 范圍內,重量應大于(yu) 150g/m。)
涂層主(zhu)要(yao)材料(liao)及含量、重量要(yao)求:The main material of the coating should be polytetrafluoroethylene resin, the content should not be less than 90%, and the weight of the coating should be greater than 400g/m.(涂層的主(zhu)要(yao)材料(liao)應為(wei)聚四氟乙(yi)烯(xi)樹脂,含量應不低于(yu) 90%,涂層的重量在應大于(yu) 400g/m。)
厚(hou)度要求:The thickness of PTFE membrane material should be greater than 0.5mm.(PTFE 膜材料的厚(hou)度宜(yi)大于 0.5mm。)
性能(neng)(neng):能(neng)(neng)防止化(hua)(hua)學腐蝕(shi)和紫外線侵蝕(shi),不(bu)易老化(hua)(hua),在雨水中具(ju)有自潔性能(neng)(neng)。It can prevent chemical corrosion and ultraviolet erosion, is not easy to age, and has self-cleaning properties in rainwater.
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