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熱門關鍵詞: 移動推拉篷 鋼化玻璃和鋼結構 固定停車篷








來源://483111.com.cn/ 日期:2023-08-08 發布人:

熱(re)鍍(du)鋅(xin)(xin)(xin)電(dian)纜橋架通過氯(lv)(lv)(lv)化銨或氯(lv)(lv)(lv)化鋅(xin)(xin)(xin)水(shui)溶(rong)液或氯(lv)(lv)(lv)化銨和氯(lv)(lv)(lv)化鋅(xin)(xin)(xin)混合水(shui)溶(rong)液槽中進行(xing)清洗(xi),然后浸入500℃左(zuo)右消融的(de)鋅(xin)(xin)(xin)液中,使(shi)“黑材(cai)”角鋼表面附著30- 50um鋅(xin)(xin)(xin)層(ceng),然后抵達防腐的(de)目的(de)。熱(re)鍍(du)鋅(xin)(xin)(xin)電(dian)纜橋架常用(yong)于幕墻、修建鋼結構(gou)構(gou)件、電(dian)力(li)鐵(tie)塔(ta)、鐵(tie)路、公(gong)路防護、船用(yong)構(gou)件、變電(dian)站隸(li)屬設(she)備、輕工業等(deng)。

The hot-dip galvanized cable tray is cleaned in an ammonium chloride or zinc chloride aqueous solution or a mixed aqueous solution of ammonium chloride and zinc chloride, and then immersed in a molten zinc solution at around 500 ℃ to attach a 30-50um zinc layer to the surface of the "black material" angle steel, achieving the purpose of corrosion prevention. Hot dip galvanized cable trays are commonly used in curtain walls, construction of steel structural components, power towers, railway and highway protection, marine components, substation equipment, light industry, etc.



The process of cold galvanizing is also to first chemically clean the surface of the "black material" angle steel and then put it into the electroplating solution. The remaining treatment process is the same as that of hot-dip galvanized cable trays. The electroplating solution contains zinc oxide. When a direct current is applied to a "black material" angle steel and a zinc plate placed in the electroplating solution, the zinc is replaced with free molecules on the surface of the steel, forming a zinc layer. The manufacturing process of hot-dip galvanized cable trays is only one step different from that of cold-dip galvanized angle steel, but the anti-corrosion function of hot-dip galvanized angle steel is better than that of cold-dip galvanized angle steel. The thickness of the zinc layer on cold galvanized angle steel is generally only 20-30 μ m, while the thickness of the zinc layer on hot-dip galvanized cable trays is above 80 μ m. However, due to different processes, the thickness of the coating also varies, and the accuracy is based on the test data.


The process of cold galvanizing is also to first chemically clean the surface of the "black material" angle steel and then put it into the electroplating solution. The remaining treatment process is the same as that of hot-dip galvanized cable trays. The electroplating solution contains zinc oxide. When a direct current is applied to a "black material" angle steel and a zinc plate placed in the electroplating solution, the zinc is replaced with free molecules on the surface of the steel, forming a zinc layer. The manufacturing process of hot-dip galvanized cable trays is only one step different from that of cold-dip galvanized angle steel, but the anti-corrosion function of hot-dip galvanized angle steel is better than that of cold-dip galvanized angle steel. The thickness of the zinc layer on cold galvanized angle steel is generally only 20-30 μ m, while the thickness of the zinc layer on hot-dip galvanized cable trays is above 80 μ m. However, due to different processes, the thickness of the coating also varies, and the accuracy is based on the test data.

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