A canopy is a type of building assembly installed above the entrance or top balcony of a building to prevent rain, wind, and damage from falling objects.
Rain shelters can be divided into: 1. Small rain shelters. For example: cantilevered canopy, suspended canopy; 2. Large canopy. For example: wall or column supported canopy; 3. Fixed rain. For example, new building materials, patented designs, and factory scale production.
雨棚根據材質可以分為:1、玻璃鋼結構雨棚;2、全鋼結構雨棚;3、PC板材(陽光板、耐力板)雨棚;3、新型膜材結構雨棚;4、鋁合金雨棚;5 耐力板組裝式雨棚。
Rain shelters can be divided into: 1. Fiberglass structure rain shelters; 2. All steel structure canopy; 3. PC board (sun board, endurance board) canopy; 3. New membrane structure canopy; 4. Aluminum alloy canopy; 5 endurance board assembled canopy.
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