推拉蓬(peng)是由(you)鋼立(li)柱(zhu)加(jia)輪子加(jia)篷(peng)布(bu)加(jia)剪(jian)(jian)刀架(jia)組合而成,我們會按(an)照客(ke)戶(hu)(hu)的尺寸制作好(hao)(hao)鋼管,制作好(hao)(hao)剪(jian)(jian)刀架(jia),裁(cai)好(hao)(hao)之后(hou)(hou)能讓(rang)焊工師傅(fu)焊接(jie)(jie)輪子在立(li)柱(zhu)上面,那么(me)步立(li)柱(zhu)就(jiu)簡單完成了,第二步的話就(jiu)是裁(cai)剪(jian)(jian),橫梁(liang)。這個需要的師傅(fu)給(gei)焊接(jie)(jie)跟組裝(zhuang),完成橫梁(liang)之后(hou)(hou)就(jiu)是裁(cai)剪(jian)(jian)布(bu)料(liao) 裁(cai)剪(jian)(jian)完成后(hou)(hou)根據客(ke)戶(hu)(hu)的尺寸用焊布(bu)機器把(ba)布(bu)拼接(jie)(jie)起(qi)來,打(da)包所有(you)配件(jian)就(jiu)可以準(zhun)備給(gei)客(ke)戶(hu)(hu)上門安裝(zhuang)了,
The sliding tent is composed of steel pillars, wheels, tarpaulin, and scissor frames. Firstly, we will make steel pipes according to the customer's size, make scissor frames, and after cutting, the welder can weld the wheels on the pillars. Then, the first step of the pillars is simple, and the second step is cutting the crossbeam. This requires a professional craftsman to weld and assemble. After completing the crossbeam, the fabric is cut and the fabric is assembled using a welding cloth machine according to the customer's size. Finally, all accessories are packaged and ready for on-site installation by the customer,
Product Description:
1. Material: The bracket is a galvanized water pipe
2. Fabric: imported Yaslie fabric/Oxford fabric/automobile canvas/flame retardant fabric (waterproof, sunscreen, wear-resistant, anti-aging); There are multiple colors to choose from.
3. The push-pull mobile type with casters can be flexibly moved, making it simple and convenient to use.
4. Style: Customers can request to customize a push-pull retractable canopy or a fixed canopy.
5. Specifications: Can be customized according to the actual size needs of customers.
6. Printing: It can be printed according to the logo artwork provided by the customer.
7. Features: This tent is convenient and durable, and the specifications can be customized according to the site. The span can reach 18M without adding pillars in the middle.
8. Installation: Factory made, on-site installation, without affecting customer business; Logistics packaging is available in other provinces, and bolts can be self installed, making it convenient to save costs.
9. Usage: Suitable for temporary warehouses in factories, food stalls, logistics stores, large activity venues, etc. It has a good effect of shading, blocking rain, and decorating.
本文由 濟南推拉蓬 友情奉獻。更多有關的知識請點擊: //483111.com.cn 真誠的(de)態(tai)度,為(wei)您提供(gong)為(wei)的(de)服(fu)務。更(geng)多有關的(de)知識我們將會陸續(xu)向大(da)家奉獻,敬請期待。
This article is dedicated to friendship by Jinan Tuilapeng. For more information, please click on: //483111.com.cn Sincere attitude, providing you with comprehensive service. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone, please stay tuned.
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