1、 Dismantling the original fabric
1. 將(jiang)(jiang)伸(shen)縮遮陽棚收(shou)起,將(jiang)(jiang)其安裝在一個平整的地面上。
Firstly, fold up the retractable sunshade and install it on a flat surface.
2. 用(yong)扳手和(he)螺絲刀將(jiang)原有的(de)遮陽布料卸下來。需要注意的(de)是,卸下來的(de)螺絲和(he)其他小配件要加以妥善保管(guan),以免遺失和(he)損壞(huai)。
2. Use a wrench and screwdriver to remove the original sunshade fabric. It should be noted that the removed screws and other small accessories should be properly stored to avoid loss and damage.
2、 Measure dimensions
1. 將拆下(xia)來的(de)遮(zhe)(zhe)陽(yang)布料展開,用卷(juan)尺(chi)或卷(juan)尺(chi)測量寬度和長(chang)度。需要注意(yi)的(de)是,在測量長(chang)度的(de)時候,要將遮(zhe)(zhe)陽(yang)布拉(la)直,以得(de)到準確(que)的(de)尺(chi)寸數據。
1. Unfold the removed sunshade fabric and measure the width and length with a tape measure or tape measure. It should be noted that when measuring the length, the sunshade cloth should be straightened to obtain accurate dimensional data.
2. 根(gen)據測(ce)量數據購買新的遮陽布(bu)料(liao)。在購買時要根(gen)據原有遮陽布(bu)料(liao)的材質(zhi)、顏色等因素進行選擇。
2. Purchase new sunshade fabric based on measurement data. When purchasing, the selection should be based on factors such as the material and color of the original sunshade fabric.
3、 Install new fabric
1. 將購買來(lai)的新遮(zhe)陽布(bu)料鋪開(kai),確(que)認其尺寸是否正確(que),以確(que)保其能夠覆蓋整個伸(shen)縮遮(zhe)陽棚。
1. Spread out the newly purchased sunshade fabric and confirm if its size is correct to ensure that it can cover the entire retractable sunshade.
2. 將新的(de)(de)遮陽布料(liao)固定在遮陽棚上(shang),使用和拆卸布料(liao)時(shi)相同(tong)的(de)(de)螺絲和小配件進行(xing)安裝。需要注意的(de)(de)是,安裝時(shi)要確保(bao)布料(liao)的(de)(de)拉力均勻(yun),以(yi)免出現皺褶或(huo)歪斜。
2. Fix the new sunshade fabric onto the sunshade and install it using the same screws and accessories as when removing the fabric. It should be noted that during installation, the tension of the fabric should be evenly distributed to avoid wrinkles or skewness.
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