來源://483111.com.cn/ 日期:2021-04-22 發布人:
The canopy is a horizontal component used at the entrance of the building and the upper part of the balcony of the top floor to keep out the rain and protect the door from rain erosion and people from being wet by dripping and falling objects in the air. So there is no fixed slope of jinan canopy drainage?
Many architects emphasize that the lighting roof (canopy) is flat, and the middle of the glass plate will be bent, so that when it rains, the middle of the bending part of water (water must accumulate ash), after the rain evaporates, leaving a layer of ash on the glass surface, so that the glass has lost its charm. Therefore, the design drainage slope of glass lighting roof (canopy) should not be less than 1/40 (1/60+7‰, 7‰ is the minimum self-cleaning slope of ash sand), generally 3% (1/50+10‰) is the best.
In addition, now we use the canopy is basically custom, but there are a lot of users want to know what needs to pay attention to custom canopy, of course, there are, such as:
If you want to install on the wall, because one end needs to be fixed on the wall, there will be certain requirements for the wall. Before installation, the installation personnel should be informed of the wall structure of the shading device, whether the wall has an insulation layer, the thickness of the insulation layer, and the internal material of the insulation layer (concrete, etc.)。 If you are not sure, ask professional installation personnel from the manufacturer to survey and confirm the installation.
In addition, how long the canopy needs to be cleaned completely depends on what kind of environment you are in. If the canopy is dry, then use a soft brush to clean it. If there are branches and similar foreign objects on it, clean them as soon as possible.
Remind everyone, in the choice of canopy to have a purposeful selection, suitable for low-rise buildings, do not use in the high-rise. For more information, check out 483111.com.cn!
下一篇:濟南推拉棚安裝施工的保障 上一篇:濟南推拉蓬的光照性能讓人滿意嗎?
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