來源://483111.com.cn/ 日期:2021-04-06 發布人:
Can you build a canopy if your roof leaks? This is actually a question that many people want to know, and the actual situation needs to be analyzed in a specific way. Here, we mainly analyze and analyze self-built houses and commercial houses.
The roof of a self-built house
As for the roof of the house, Ji 'nan canopy view is that you can cover a canopy. Since we own the roof of the house, we are completely independent if we want to decorate it. Therefore, there are no other constraints at this time. The reason why canopies can be set up in the booking is because the following two conditions are met.
The roof canopy will not be hindered by the relevant authorities. That is to say, for the roof of our own house, the relevant requirements are not much. So in most areas, it's very practical for us to put a canopy on the roof. The roof of self-built house meets the requirements of installing awning. Because this stage of the canopy are using steel or aluminum alloy as the keel installation, will not damage the building main body of the stress structure. Installing a canopy on the roof is very simple.
Roof of a commercial building
For the roofs of commercial buildings, whether the canopies can be erected generally depends on our local authorities. Because a lot of places don't allow ceilings. Since the roof is a public area, not a private property, the roof canopy can only be used with a permit. Specific performance in the following several cases.
The local management does not allow canopies on the roof. It is common, for example, that if we put a canopy on the roof, the property is obstructed. In addition, the relevant general management will also obstruct, because these are illegal construction, will destroy the appearance of the entire building, so it is not allowed. There is also a case where an awning is allowed on the roof. That said, there is no place that mandates no canopy on the roof. So under these conditions, of course, we can build a canopy.
Can you build a canopy if your roof leaks? This problem hope that through the above explanation we can get help, their own home can be installed canopy really depends on the relevant local policies allowed and their actual situation is not consistent. You still do not understand the place can come to the website 483111.com.cn consultation.
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