1. Engraved drum coating method. The connection between the scraper coating method and the drum coating method involves scraping off the coating liquid attached to the convex part of the rugged engraved drum with the scraper, and quantitatively transferring the coating liquid in the concave part to the film layout car shed substrate. The coating of titanium dioxide film material is processed using this method.
2. Scraper coating method. Apply a certain amount of coating solution on the membrane structure substrate with a scraper, and the thickness of the coating is determined by the gap between the scraper and the substrate. This method can also be used to process thin materials. Moreover, this method can be used to apply coatings of different materials on both sides of the membrane material.
3. Roller coating method. Use several rollers to transfer the coating liquid edge and apply it onto the membrane structure carport substrate.
4. There must be no flammable or explosive materials within 5m around the welding location. Welders should wear safety belts when working at heights, and their personal tools and welding rods should be placed in specialized leather bags.
5. Roller method. Roll the coating liquid into a thin film using a heating roller, and connect the coating film with the film layout of the car shed substrate through several rollers. This method can perform thicker coating processing and adjust the coating thickness.
6. In order to prevent arc radiation from welding, it is necessary to wear a protective mask (with filter glass inside). When welding in public areas, a light blocking screen must be installed.
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