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熱門關鍵詞: 移動推拉篷 鋼化玻璃和鋼結構 固定停車篷








來源://483111.com.cn/ 日期:2022-08-08 發布人:
Electric retractable awning, as an advanced sunshade product, is widely used in outdoor spaces to provide a convenient sunshade experience. However, installation and maintenance are key to ensuring the normal use and extending the lifespan of the electric telescopic roof.
1、 Installation precautions
1. 選擇合適位置:在安裝電動伸縮篷時,需要選擇合適的位置,確保篷布展開不受到阻礙,避免碰撞墻體或其他障礙物。
1. Choose a suitable position: When installing the electric telescopic tent, it is necessary to choose a suitable position to ensure that the tarpaulin is not obstructed and to avoid colliding with walls or other obstacles.
2. 承重考慮:電動伸縮篷的安裝需要考慮承重能力,確保支撐結構穩固可靠,能夠承受篷布和機械部件的重量,避免因承重不足而導致安裝不牢固。
2. Load bearing considerations: The installation of electric telescopic awning needs to consider its load-bearing capacity to ensure that the supporting structure is stable and reliable, capable of bearing the weight of the tarpaulin and mechanical components, and to avoid unstable installation due to insufficient load-bearing.
3. 防水設計:在安裝電動伸縮篷時,要確保篷布和機械部件的連接處采取防水設計,以保護電動機和控制系統免受雨水侵蝕。
3. Waterproof design: When installing an electric telescopic tent, it is necessary to ensure that the connection between the tarpaulin and mechanical components is waterproof to protect the motor and control system from rainwater erosion.
4. 安裝:為了確保電動伸縮篷的穩固和,建議由安裝團隊進行安裝,避免因安裝不當而導致的隱患。
4. Professional installation: To ensure the stability and safety of the electric telescopic roof, it is recommended that the installation be carried out by a professional installation team to avoid safety hazards caused by improper installation.
2、 Maintenance precautions
1. 定期清潔:定期清潔電動伸縮篷的篷布和機械部件,避免積塵和污垢影響使用效果和壽命。
1. Regular cleaning: Regularly clean the tarpaulin and mechanical components of the electric telescopic tent to avoid dust and dirt accumulation that may affect its effectiveness and lifespan.
2. 注重防曬:電動伸縮篷的篷布通常采用高強度的防曬材料,但長時間暴露在強烈陽光下仍可能導致顏色褪色和材料老化,因此建議不使用時及時收起篷布。
2. Pay attention to sun protection: The tarpaulin of electric retractable canopies usually uses high-strength sun protection materials, but prolonged exposure to strong sunlight may still cause color fading and material aging. Therefore, it is recommended to promptly retract the tarpaulin when not in use.
3. 檢查電動系統:定期檢查電動伸縮篷的電動系統,確保電動機和控制器正常工作,若發現異常要及時進行維修或更換。
3. Check the electric system: Regularly check the electric system of the electric telescopic tent to ensure the normal operation of the motor and controller. If any abnormalities are found, repair or replace them in a timely manner.
4. 防風措施:在遇到強風天氣時,及時將電動伸縮篷收起,以避免受到損壞。
4. Windproof measures: When encountering strong wind weather, timely retract the electric telescopic hood to avoid damage.
This article is dedicated by Jinan Sunshade. For more information, please click on: //483111.com.cn Sincere attitude. We will provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Stay tuned
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