來源://483111.com.cn/ 日期:2021-01-30 發布人:
Air disinfector is an instrument for killing bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms. Electrical * * * is implemented according to the standard of medical 9706, with special regulations on the administration of disinfection devices and listing qualification * * it can be used in health places only after being evaluated by health and reviewed and filed by provincial health departments and obtaining the filing number.
The air purifier is used to purify electrical appliances for the purpose of filtering particles and harmful gases in the air. The electrical * * * is implemented according to the civil 4706 standard, does not need to be reviewed and filed by health institutions, and is listed according to the household electrical regulations.
Ultraviolet air disinfector:
UVC deep ultraviolet sterilization uses the high-energy photons of ultraviolet light to break the molecular bonds of cellular viruses and kill them.
UVC deep ultraviolet light generally uses light with a wavelength of 200-275nm to kill viruses and bacteria effectively, while oxygen (O2) o = O bond energy in the air is 5.16ev, and the wavelength of ultraviolet light corresponding to 240nm, which can not avoid the generation of ozone.
The super oxidation ability of ozone, metals and plastics are nothing to mention. Ozone has been listed as the control of atmospheric gas pollutants.
UVC cannot penetrate ordinary objects. When there are dust and other substances in the air, it will be covered by the UV lamp, and its killing efficiency will be greatly reduced.
Plasma sterilizer:
Using the method of splitting bacteria and viruses by high-energy plasma, in order to achieve sufficient plasma and air mixing density, the ordinary isolated body adopts wave line and wave plate to improve the emission energy. The secondary excited electron intensity can not be controlled, ozone will be generated, and the radiation overflow of ionized electromagnetic wave will be generated at the same time. When the electromagnetic wave of plasma can be detected outside, air ionization has produced ozone and nitrogen oxides.
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