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熱門關鍵詞: 移動推拉篷 鋼化玻璃和鋼結構 固定停車篷








來源://483111.com.cn/ 日期:2022-05-08 發布人:
The emergence of outdoor sunshades can be said to bring us a shade in summer, which is deeply loved by everyone. So, have you ever understood the design conditions of outdoor sunshades? Below, Jinan sunshade manufacturer will analyze for you:
1. When buildings have high standard requirements, shading measures should be taken when the following conditions meet 1-2 items
(1) The indoor (outdoor) temperature reaches or exceeds 29 ℃;
(2) Solar radiant intensity intensity>240kcal/m2 · h (1004.6kJ/m2 · h);
(3) Indoor depth of sunlight exposure>0.5m;
(4) Sunshine exposure indoors for more than 1 hour.
2. Outdoor sunshades are suitable for shading the doors and windows of low-rise and multi-story buildings, and are not suitable for shading the exterior of high-rise buildings.
3. The material, thickness, specifications, dimensions, and forms of sunshade materials, the form and specifications of fixed devices, the power of electric motors (when electric), and the wind pressure in the use site are interrelated. It is necessary to obtain relevant technical information from professional manufacturers based on the specific engineering situation, and select after comprehensive consideration.
4. The connection methods, lightning protection measures, and other safety related issues between each shading system and the main body of the building need to be determined and responsible by the engineering designer in conjunction with professional manufacturers based on the specific engineering situation.
5. When choosing a sunshade system with a roller shutter box, the impact of different positions of the roller shutter box on wall energy conservation should be considered.
6. For systems equipped with automatic control, it is generally required to install wind control and rain control sensing devices, and light control can be selected according to specific circumstances. The manual driving method is generally not suitable for external shading in frequently unmanned places.
7. It is recommended to use dark color fabric for outdoor sunshades (or face the dark side of the fabric towards the outside) to achieve better shading effects.
8. Performance requirements for outdoor sunshade fabrics
(1) The fabric should ensure constant size and no deformation;
(2) The surface of the fabric is flat and smooth, ensuring smooth winding and preventing the occurrence of fabric deviation, wrinkles, or uneven winding;
(3) The fabric should have sufficient tensile and tear resistance to prevent the risk of tearing under adverse weather conditions;
(4) The connection between fabrics should adopt the process of hinge frequency welding to ensure that the fabrics have sufficient strength;
(5) The fabric should ensure good color fastness;
(6) The surface of the fabric should have a certain degree of pollution resistance, be easy to clean, and be easy to maintain.
9. Fabric type: polyester coated fabric, glass fiber coated fabric.
That's all for the design conditions of outdoor sunshades. I hope you can be helpful. For more information, please come to our website //483111.com.cn Consult!
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